Spreading the Gospel Here, There, and Everywhere
It’s not always an easy task to spread the gospel in the Philippines. The landscape might be a challenge for some brothers and sisters. The Apostles must walk for a few hours over the mountains and rivers to reach the congregation. District Apostle Edy Isnugroho experienced this a little during last week on his visit to North and South Luzon.
He accompanied by Apostle Samuel Handojo Tansahtikno and Bishop Armando Cao from Naga who responsible for this sub-districts. The District Apostle visited some congregations: Asan Sur, North Pangasinan and Nalneran, Pangasinan South in North Luzon and Carolina-Naga, Camuning-Calabanga, and Daet in South Luzon. He conducted several divine services for brethren, also for ministers with wives and for youth.
The day of the youth under the 2020 motto “Chirst makes free” on Saturday, February 15th followed by a youth service in Daet on Sunday morning was the highlight of this visit. The Divine Service was based on John 1:12.
“But as many as received him, to them gave he right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”
Everyone has his or her own ideas of what freedom is. Many people say: We are free when we can do what we want, without constraint and no restrictions. Ohers say: We are free when we are completely independent and not bound. But such freedom is not possible.
A wise man says: The one who can become what he wants to be is free. We have decided our goal: This is what we want to be. As children of God, we want to overcome evill. It is our desire to enter the kingdom of God. We want to become an image of Jesus Christ, so we can be a blessing for many. This is a goal of a child of God.
Jesus Christ frees those who put His word into practice. He gives them the opportunity and ability to become what they have decided to be. Thanks to Him, we can overcome evil, become like Him and worthy of entering His kingdom. We can lead happy lives and be a blessing to others.
During this visit, 23 souls received Holy Sealing and 1 Deacon was ordained.