Tagum Church in Davao renovated.
The District Apostle met with the Philippine Apostles and the Bishops from Mindanao at our newly renovated Tagum Central Church, October 7-9. Besides an extensive 2 day Youth Program, the Board of Education had sessions on Sunday School strategy. Bishop Yang and Pr Kim from Korea and Ev. Gobi from Malaysia were our special guests. The Tagum church was not only renovated but also a new concept was introduced. The auditorium for church services is now smaller to give room to a spacious multipurpose room for Sunday School and Seminar meetings.
In addition 3 classrooms have been added to the compound. DEv. Darwin Nuyad and his wife are professional teachers and we plan to expand into a new teaching program not only benefiting the church members but also the public. To commemorate the new teaching center the Divine Service for the youth was then on Sunday morning about:
You must continue in the things you have learned…
2. Timothy 3:14
The District Apostle elaborated on spiritual learning which creates conviction about eternal life. Jesus said “learn of me” and continuing in what we have learned of him, such as prayer, experiencing His word, understanding God’s plan of salvation, loving each other and much more give the assurance we all need in troubled times and our life’s situation.