Thanksgiving Day, first Sunday in October, has tradition in the New Apostolic world. Especially in the northern hemisphere where there is harvest season this century old customs is celebrated in our church.
Congregations in the Philippines and whole Asia joined in marking Thanksgiving not only with a special sermon but elaborate Altar decoration.
Our District Apostle and District Apostle Helper joined the Chief Apostle in Papua New Guinea where two thanksgiving services were conducted. Over 25000 members and many more via radio broadcast were part of it.
Below are pictures from Makati/Philippines, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan as well as Port Moresby where the Chief Apostle served with a quotation from the epistle to the Ephesians.
Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:20)
In an open field near Weak/PNG the Chief Apostle served over 24,000 souls.