The service of the Son of Man
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
Matthew 20: 28
Jesus Christ came to serve mankind.
Our Bible text comprises the conclusion of a passage in which the mother of two of Jesus’ disciples asks Him to give them a prominent position in the kingdom of God. Jesus denies this request and explains that it is up to God alone to assign such special honours. Here He speaks of His mission, which is not comprised of receiving or bestowing honours, but rather of helping mankind. The arrival of the Son of Man was expected by many Jews. However, His coming was always associated with notions of outward rulership and other displays of power.
The Son of Man took on the form of a bondservant in Jesus, and served mankind in both a natural and spiritual respect. The serving of the Son of Man far surpassed any service human beings could ever perform, because He gave His life a ransom for many. He took the guilt of sin of all mankind upon Himself, along with the consequences this entailed. He gave His innocent life as a ransom in order that our guilt and sin could be forgiven. Jesus died so that we could live.
We appreciate the service of the Son of Man, we will not demand any sort of special honour or a prominent position in the kingdom of God. Let us not simply ignore our neighbour, but rather endeavour to help him in both a spiritual and natural respect. Let us stand by him in his needs and point him to salvation in Christ.
Full script: (attachment pdf)