This year the NAC-Makati congregation once again conducted the “Vacation Bible School Program” to the Sunday school children. It’s a week-long program where kids were being taught with different enjoyable activities such as drawing, crafting, storytelling, fun games, film showing and a lot more which were integrated with gospel message to help the kids learn more about Bible story and the miracle of Jesus Christ in a simplest way the kids can grasp.
The program was scheduled last May 14-19, 2018 at the NAC Makati Multipurpose building. The one-week activity was also assigned into several volunteered Sunday school teachers. Each teacher was given different topics and a program flow to make the event more organized.
Accordingly, the first day topics were taken in one of a Bible stories titled “Jesus and Nicodemus”. First, the children were taught about the story and the message of it. Afterwards, they were told to group themselves and were asked to stick the pictures of butterfly, caterpillar, egg and cocoon in correct order.
Later, the teacher explained to them the life cycle of the butterfly and how it was related to the Holy baptism and Holy sealing which was tackled in the story of Jesus and Nicodemus. The kids were also taught easy crafting, and everybody enjoyed coloring the butterfly paper which was given by the teacher.
The last activity of the day was planting little plants in the pot. Each kid was so excited and happy while sowing soil and planting on their own pot. The activity concluded with the kids putting their craft work on the pot with their names on it.
The second day of the program was assigned to Sister Maricel Dela Luna, one of the youth in Makati. Her assigned topic was about the story of “The Ten Lepers”. The kids were group into two and named each group as “the boys’ team and the girls’ team”. Before telling the story, the teacher gave them a group worksheet and puzzle exercises. Everyone was so attentive and excited of whose team will going to finish first. The room were filled with laughter and yelling when the teacher announces the winner which goes to the girls’ team. After the activity, the teacher begun telling the story about the “Ten lepers” and taught the kids to be always thankful even in a very small things that they got.
Bishop Samuel Tansahtikno also visited the kids and gave inspiring message and fruitful advice to the little ones as well as to the teachers. The kids were later served with some sumptuous snacks prepared by Sr. Rose Abad, the in-charge for cooking meals and snacks for the kids every day.
The third day activity was a basic music recorder workshop which conducted by Sr. FeBe Jell Ronquillo, a Flute player of NAC Makati orchestra with the help of Sr. Trixie Ronquillo and Bro. Raisen Silvano. The kids had fun while trying to learn the basics of playing the recorder.
The fourth day included learning the Sunday School songs led by Sr. Nerry Roquillo. The songs were being projected in the screen and the kids just followed the videos and sang together with the animation background. Afterwards was a short review about the stories which were tackled on the first and second day of the program. With the help of Sr. Susan Silvano, the kids were also given activities such as games and treasure hunting which was related to the bible stories. Everyone was happy and excited searching for the hidden word which was placed anywhere in the room.
The fifth day activity was a short film showing about the bible story entitled “The Miracle of Jesus” and “The Prodigal Son”. The shows were flash on the screen via projector.
A fieldtrip was the activity for the sixth day of the program. It took place at the Kinder Zoo Adventure inside Manila Zoo. The kids were accompanied by all volunteered teachers, some Makati youth and some parents. Excitement and happiness were written in everyone’s face while having pictures with some of the animals inside the zoo.
The program concluded with a lunch together, served freely to the kids at the picnic area inside the zoo.