Where do the chalices come from?
Sparkling and spotless they stand on the altar. Visible for all. These cups, containing the Holy Communion wafers, bread and wine. Where do they come from? In traditional western countries artisans work precious metals into beautiful chalices. Over the years the design has a bit changed.
Yet not all countries can afford silver and gold. And when 55 000 had to be served on Pentecost at the ICC Divine Service, 2000 chalices were in service and here it was impossible to take the precious cups out of the churches.
Chalices belong to the minimum standards of furnishings for a congregation.
Global sourcing is the answer in these modern days of worldwide trade. NAKI has entrusted the logistics into the hands of NACSEAsia. A manufacturer was found in Chennai India and Sr. Marlene Dattario from our Manila office paid a visit to the factory in 2013 for negotiations.
Result: 16’900 chalices were shipped during 2 years. 2000 were used on Pentecost 2014 in Munich and 1000 on Pentecost 2015 in Lusaka. Most of the lot went to Africa. 3000 were shipped to Cape Town. Another 3600 to Angola which was the most challenging one to handle as destination. Smaller quantities to Sao Thome, Rwanda, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, Korea and of course the Philippines. The last lot of 500 chalices is being airfreighted these days to Kenya.
Not everything went always smooth. There were delays caused by clearance and lack of carriers. Yet in the end it was a unique experience and all recipients are happy.
Two models were produced. One without stand, usually for chapels and congregations in rural areas and one so called double chalice, featuring an inside shell to serve huge attendances. This insert can also be used for baptismal water.
Thank you to NACI, NAC NRW, NAC Germany South, NAC Cape and NACSEAsia for sponsoring this project. Another project of solidarity among newapostolic churches worldwide.