With DA Ehrich in Stuttgart and the Ukraine
Last year, DA Michael Ehrich visited the Philippines (See post http://nac-philippines.org/district-apostle-michael-ehrich-in-the-philippines-2/) Now DA Hebeisen was invited to reciprocate from 5th to 13th June. First on the program was a presentation on Corporate social responsibility and business ethics at the FUF-Forum fuer Unternehmer und Fuehrungskraefte (Forum for Enterpreneurs and Managers) Responsibilities towards society and issues beyond profit were addressed,
For midweek service our DA accompanied DA Ehrich for a divine service in the congregation of Oehringen and then followed a trip to Ukraine where Ascension Day was celebrated ath Kiev Church. Ukranians celebrate their church holidays according to the Julian Calendar, thus Ascension day on 9th June.
However the high-light was the Ukranian Youth Day. Some 200 Youth have come from as far as Mazedonia, Bosnia and Serbia, travelling up to 2000 km for this weekend of exciting activity of sports, music, sharing moments of fellowship at the campfire and the Divine Service conducted by DA Ehrich on Galatian 5:13 “use your freedom to serve each other with love”. Truly a wonderful encounter with a beautiful country, a wonderful people and very warmhearted Brothers and Sisters. “friends forever”