Year End convention 2011, Makati,
46 Delegates from all over NACSEAsia’s territory came together in Makati, for their yearly convention. Friday night the Chief Apostle addressed them from his Hamburg Office by means of video with a New Years message. Our resolution for 2012 shall be “SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS” Serving the Lord means also serving ourselves, he said. Noah followed the Lord’s instructions and Abram was obedient. Moses after some hesitation took on the leadership. All were thereby served themselves, too. During 2 days many administrative matters were discussed and a full day was dedicated to spiritual and ecclesiastical subjects. A concert was another highlight. Music, choir, children and even a Chinese dance were presentations under the theme of Christmas “GLORY TO GOD AND PEACE ON EARTH” Sunday sermon by the District Apostle.
We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers. It is the work of faith, labour of love and patience in hope which binds us together in the election by God.
1. Thessalonians 1: 2+4 WE are together in SERVING THE LORD.
We congratulate Priest Kim and Sister Kristine who received their engagement blessing in the Divine Service and thank a a trusted Servant of God of many years, Sh. Ernesto Silvano entered into well-deserved retirement.