Youth Day Mindanao North
Apostle Desoloc gathered over 500 youth from his working area and invited to Cabadbaran in Agusan the District Apostle and his helper Apostle Edy Isnugroho for an action packed weekend. The young Brothers and Sisters came as far as Zamboanga City and the Surigao Islands.
Youth is never bored and enjoyed fellowship and games during Saturday while the Ministers were in retreat with the Apostles. The evening was filled with various drama, musicals and other presentations based on the theme: “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR” Even though it rained, all enjoyed camping at the GALLO HORSE FARM.
The sermon on Sunday morning was elaborating the promise of Christ to John in Revelation “I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW” Youth wants and must build, the future, relationships, a career and many things more. God is the first builder. He is the creator. His son builds salvation and the Holy Spirit the new creature in us. We want to contribute and help Him and each other to build His kingdom, which must be first in everything we are seeking and according to Christ’s promise all other things will be added. “Building on our faith with prayer” as Jude wrote in his epistle. Thus the foundation can only be Christ.
The District Apostle prayed especially also for PEACE in war torn Mindanao.