“Youth Without Border” Program Successfully Concluded
Different country. Different people. Different culture. Yet, unified by the same belief, same faith and same love to the one living God and to the continuous works of His apostles. Cooperation and unity amidst diversity and differences. This is where the theme of this year’s Philippines and Switzerland Youth Fellowship lies. “NAC Youth Without Borders” emphasises mainly on erasing and obliterating any biases and prejudices that may ascend as two different nationalities and cultures collide. The activity concentrated in promoting love and understanding among different people as what Jesus Christ had shown to us.
36 young people and some leaders, not sooo young, from the snowy country of Switzerland made a very much appreciated effort to visit the Philippines and meet its wonderful people especially the youth. One could hardly imagine all the hardships and troubles these young people must have all endured travelling to the other side of the world, with a climate almost opposite from their own. Nevertheless, they had able to make the long travel in the name of love and camaraderie.
Thus, on 21 April 2017 they arrived at Ninoy Aquino International Airport at around 11:30 am. and were welcomed by several friendly Filipino youth members from Makati congregation who joined them for a sumptuous lunch with District Apostle Urs Hebeisen. After which, they headed to Tagaytay City, where the first part of the “NAC Youth Without Borders” activities took place.
The NAC Youth Without Borders Phil – Swiss Youth Fellowship was divided into two parts. The first at Tagaytay City, Philippines from April 21-23, 2017 participated by the Swiss youth and Filipino youth from Luzon, with a theme “Overcoming Borders”. The latter part continued at Bohol, Philippines on April 25-30 with a theme “Youth Without Borders” and participated by the Swiss youth together with the Filipino young people from the different areas in Visayas and Mindanao.
The program proved to be very exciting and fruitful. The Swiss young people were very enthusiastic and full of energy upon arriving at the Haven Hotel Tagaytay where they were later joined by more than a hundred of their counterpart, Filipino youth from different congregations in Luzon.
The program started with a workshop hosted by Pr. Frank Hoyer based on the theme “Overcoming Borders.” Together, the Swiss and Filipino youth gained some important insights and understanding regarding each other’s cultural differences and how to overcome it to have a harmonious fellowship.
Later that night was the official “Meet and Greet” between the Swiss and Filipino. It was a night of laughter, enjoyment and interesting experiences for everyone. The host assembled the participants into different groups regardless of nationality. Afterwards, they were told to know each other’s name and memorized it as many as they can. The group to recite more names shall be declared the winner. The young people had so much fun. The first night encounter was capped off by a closing prayer led by Bishop Tansahtikno.
The next day’s activities started early for the young people. It was a day full of adventure as the youth gone hiking in the famed Taal Volcano in Tagaytay. They were treated with traditional Filipino foods and drinks along their way up. To help the Swiss youth get familiar of the Philippines, several tarpaulins with different trivia about the country were hung along the way. Indeed, the whole day became a wonderful experience for all the young as proven by the glow and joy on their faces.
A divine service every Sunday has always been a highlight in every youth fellowship. Hence, on the last day of the first part of the Phil – Swiss Youth Fellowship, everybody gathered together to celebrate the body and blood of Jesus Christ in a big function hall in the Haven Hotel. The service was officiated by Bishop Samuel Tansahtikno of Indonesia. In the afternoon, the youth sang a farewell song as the activity was concluded.
The youth activities in Tagaytay may be over but it was just the beginning for the Swiss young people as they headed for Bohol later that day where the second part of the activity took place. They travel overnight via ship. It was a long trip and an adventure of its own kind, yet there was no doubt that everyone was so excited to meet more Filipino youth from Visayas and Mindanao.
27 April 2017. Bohol, Philippines. The second part of the weeklong youth fellowship was held at Muro Ami Beach Resort, Panglao, Bohol. The program was attended by the Swiss youth together with more than two hundred young people from the different places in Visayas and Mindanao.
The program was officially opened with a prayer and welcome remarks by the DA. It was then followed by a song entitled “This little light of Mine”, which was delightfully sang by everyone. The night was especially memorable for all youth as the host arranged a dance where everyone was given a chance to know each other while dancing in a circular form. The night was concluded with a prayer led by a representative from the Swiss youth.
On the next day, the program continued with a workshop hosted by Pr. Prank Hoyer. The discussion centered this time to the theme “Youth Without Borders.” The young people had gained appreciation about each other’s cultural diversity and settled in the fact that God loves every one of us with no regards to race and color and culture. The youth found a sense of oneness for each other.
The afternoon was filled with fun and amusement as a beach game hosted by the Swiss youth took place. It was indeed a very interesting and wonderful experience for all youth. Laughter, yells, and songs was heard all over the place.
Despite some security concerns the Visitors did not miss to see the Chocolate hills, meet the famous Tarsi monkeys and went island hopping. Unfortunately the Dolphins did not show up. Needless to say the nights at the beach were full of fun and long.
The Bohol stay was capped off with a divine service held in Taguihon, Bohol and was solemnized by District Apostle Urs Hebeisen.
Monday, 1st May, back in Manila the group was received by the Ambassador of Switzerland, HE Mme Andrea Reichlin were a dialogue on embassy work was held and also the results of the workshops on “Youth without Border” presented. All were treated to a Swiss style BBQ which was acknowledged with a few songs
After a short visit on the American war cemetery all headed for the airport to return home.
Noteworthy is that prior to their trip the Swiss engaged in various fund raising activity and could bring a substantial donation for NACSEARelief. First beneficiaries were ‘MARIPHIL Children Village‘ in Panabo/Davao, ‘Island Kids Philippines‘ in Cagayan de Oro and ‘FAMILIA MISSION‘ in Dolo/Bohol.