Golden Wedding, Bh. + Sr. Algoy
Sunday, 19th March 2017. Our Bishop in retirement and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at our Hinoba-an Church. The District Apostle officiated with the bible word from Isaiah 41:13-14. God promises His help to those who are eager to serve Him, long for salvation, believe in His promise and who are willing to struggle for the blessing. This… Read More.
Everybody likes ‘community”
‘community’ the magazine of the New Apostolic Church is available on our website on its day of publication. However also hard copies are distributed in the congregation, and, as our pictures from the Philippines show, much appreciated.
Bicol Region
Bicol, according to government administration called Region 5 consists of 6 provinces in southern Luzon. The activities of the New Apostolic Church started in the 1980ties when Canadian Missionaries started an extensive evangelisation program all over the Philippines. Today about 1000 members are in various congregations throughout the provinces of Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Albay, Sorsogon and Masbate. The Bishop… Read More.
Leyte, the Place of Fulfilled Promise
When General Mc Arthur landed in Leyte in October 1944 he fulfilled the promise “I shall return” So tells us history. The first February weekend brought the Priestly ministers working with Bishop Puso to a one day meeting in Ormoc with the District Apostle. They encountered also the Youth who gathered here from the various sub-districts; Biliran, Ormoc, Tacloban and… Read More.
Succession Planing, vision for the Future
Our Depok Church in Indonesia was again host of the annual NACSEAsia Convention. All Apostles, Bishops, Country Rectors and Administration Executives met from 20th to 22nd January for deliberations on various subjects such as concept of ministry, update on resolutions DAMI and succession planing. Central theme was: ‘OUR ONENESS – GLORY TO GOD OUR FATHER’ which was further elaborated in… Read More.
NAC Academy Launched
The District Apostle launched a new project at the occasion of the annual retreat for the ministry in Luzon, in Tagaytay on Saturday 7th January 2017. The NAC ACADEMY is a resource and competence center for ministers and concentrates for the time being on Deacons and Priests, especially the younger ones but also other church workers such as sunday-school teachers…. Read More.