community 2/2022: Interesting, informative, and inspiring
Chock full with information and inspiration… Edition 2/2022 of the New Apostolic member magazine community can be downloaded starting today. Here is a glance at the content.
Staying with Him
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, He had just brought the dead Lazarus back to life and thus aroused many hopes among the people. When the people noticed that He was not about to fulfil these hopes, they dropped Him like a hot potato. But not His disciples, they stayed with Him—even though they would have had every reason to doubt in… Read More.
Lent is about to begin. Many people try to give up certain things in the weeks leading up to Easter to sharpen their senses for the things that are essential. What do we give up? Jesus once said: “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself” (Mark 8: 34). This does not mean that we must give up… Read More.
50 years New Apostolic Church in the Philippines
This is our golden Jubilee Year. 1972 the Japan based, Canadian Herb Pache, came to the Philippines to sow a seed. He sat in Rizal Park just waiting until he was approached by Carlos Gayon who was curious what this physicaly tall man in a black suit is about to do. It was the beginning of the New Apostolic Church… Read More.
Do Whatever He Tells You
Our earthly life is not always easy. We all have our difficulties and problems so that it is not possible to sing a cheerful alleluia every day. Yet God wants to give us deep and lasting joy in every divine service. How does He do that? Does He take away all our problems, sort everything out in the best possible… Read More.
Typhoon Odette and Bohol
It was 16th December 2021, starting late afternoon until about 930 h when Odette (Intl. code name Rai) visited the island of Bohol. In this short time the power transmission lines collapsed, communication towers damaged and worse, thousands were instantly homeless and with no livelihood. Soon sketchy reports and short messages reached us. Unfortunately not much could be done to help but we realized there… Read More.