
Annual Retreat in Tagaytay

On Tuesday, 9th of January 2018

Every year, 1st week January the Ministers from Metro Manila come together for a retreat. This time also Admin Staff and District Rectors from other Luzon Districts joined the group. Subject of discussion was the concept and understanding of Ministerial hierarchy, and various social issues those in church service should consider. Saturday evening all joined together for a contemplation on…  Read More.


On Monday, 1st of January 2018

  The traditional NEW YEAR’s Divine Services are conducted from 1st to 7th January in NACSEAsia. In some countries 1st January is a working day, in Indonesia it’s a declared holiday for all Christians, needless to say our New Year’s service is held on 1st January. In the Philippines services are conducted according to local feasibility however most like the…  Read More.


On Tuesday, 19th of December 2017

The Philippines are not only known for the longest Christmas Season in the world, everybody also knows the celebrations in family, churches, business, in public or private are unique. One thing we observe every where. Pinoy Christmas is about sound, colour and food. Such we also observe in the new apostolic church. Here is a pictorial of the Makati Christmas…  Read More.

Days of joy and work in South Cotabato

On Thursday, 16th of November 2017

The District Apostle Helper Edy Isnugroho toured the Lake Sebu District together with Apostle Alfredo Pascual and Ap. Samuel Hadiwidagdo. Our Tiboli Brothers and Sister welcomed them warmly in all 6 congregations visited. Next stop was General Santos City where the District Apostle gathered all Apostles and the Bishops from the Philippines for a meeting on various subjects concerning spiritual…  Read More.

Dr. Katherine Weber visits Philippines

On Saturday, 7th of October 2017

Makati was host of a regional meeting of 26 Sunday School Teachers from the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Myanmar and Malaysia attended a 3 days seminar by Sr Katherine Weber, Project Manager and Lead Writer of NAC Canada. See report by Genalyn and Alve Mosura. NACSEAsia Sunday School Rollout Training  

New “community” just published

On Thursday, 5th of October 2017

Our magazine “community” No. 4/2017 has been published and can be downloaded from this Webpage. Print copies will be distributed in the congregations.