
Youth Day and Church Dedications. DA visit in Negros

On Monday, 18th of July 2016

16th and 17th July, 2017: Asia a Barrio  congregation  in Negros Oriental has now a new chapel. The District Apostle together with the Apostles Catan, Diagbel and Hadiwidagdo, who visited from Indonesia, dedicated the new place of worship and divine service on Saturday afternoon. Based on Revelation 21:3 it was elaborated that God always had a tabernacle, temple and today,…  Read More.

New Congregation in San Fernando Cebu

On Tuesday, 12th of July 2016

  It was a very holy moment, yesterday in Lower Lantawan, Cebu. 40 souls met Apostle Cleofas Bual who came from Bohol to offer them the sacrament of Holy sealing. According to newapostolic faith there are 3 sacraments. Holy Captism with water, Holy Communion and the Baptismal with the Spirit called the Holy Sealing. While all priestly ministers are ordained…  Read More.

With DA Ehrich in Stuttgart and the Ukraine

On Monday, 13th of June 2016

Last year, DA Michael Ehrich visited the Philippines (See post http://nac-philippines.org/district-apostle-michael-ehrich-in-the-philippines-2/) Now DA Hebeisen was invited to reciprocate from 5th to 13th June. First on the program was a presentation on Corporate social responsibility and business ethics at the FUF-Forum fuer Unternehmer und Fuehrungskraefte (Forum for Enterpreneurs and Managers) Responsibilities towards society and issues beyond profit were addressed, For midweek…  Read More.

Philippine Delegation at CA Visit in Korea

On Tuesday, 31st of May 2016

Our Apostles from the Philippines joined the other Asian and Australian Apostles to meet with the Chief Apostle in Korea from 26th to 30th May 2016. The Chief Apostle said good-by at Incheon Airport, 30TH May 2016, with his own words “c’etait genial”  (google translate says this means ‘it was awesome’) and flew back to Europe. For sure the 500 souls he served…  Read More.

Live in the Spirit – Walk in the Spirit, Upper Room of Makati Church

On Tuesday, 17th of May 2016

PENTECOST 2016. The Chief Apostle conducted the yearly Pentecost Service in Frankfurt with transmission to Europe. The Philippine Apostles gathered in the “upper room” of Makati Church and were joined by their colleagues, the Apostles Isnugroho, Hadiwidagdo and Wolf. The sermon from Frankfurt was in German language only yet over 50 souls gathered throughout Asia to enjoy the music, the…  Read More.

Joyful Fellowship With the Tibolis

On Tuesday, 26th of April 2016

3000 newapostolics are Tibolis. Over thirty years ago three leader of the Tiboli tribe were in Manila and found the NAC. They became the founders of our church among the Tiboli people. April 23 and 24 was a great day for them. They were to host the South Cotabato Youth Day. 600 Youth from the area of Ap. Pascual assembled…  Read More.