
Where do the chalices come from?

On Wednesday, 7th of October 2015

Sparkling and spotless they stand on the altar. Visible for all. These cups, containing the Holy Communion wafers, bread and wine. Where do they come from? In traditional western countries artisans work precious metals into beautiful chalices. Over the years the design has a bit changed. Yet not all countries can afford silver and gold. And when 55 000 had…  Read More.

Thanksgiving 2015

On Monday, 5th of October 2015

This year’s feast of Thanksgiving was celebrated throughout NACSEAsia on Sunday 4th October. Already Saturday night pictures from all over came in. Preparations for Sunday in some congregations were major youth Projects. In Makati Thanksgiving is a tradition which brings much joy and excitement. Everyone bring fruits or vegetables to decorate the altar. After the service all join in to eat them…  Read More.

BOHOL, an island of history, joy and faith

On Tuesday, 29th of September 2015

Bohol the island of Chocolate Hills, Tarsi monkeys and back in 1565 the site of the first treaty of friendship between the Spanish Colonialists and the Filipinos. It is also the first region where the mission movement of NAC Canada started back in 1978 (after the start up in Manila in 1973). Today’s District Apostle had here his beginnings as…  Read More.

Today we observe the international Day of Peace

On Monday, 21st of September 2015

Today we observe the international Day of Peace. Let us pray for peace in the world that its source, Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:14), maybe recognized and bring all mankind into a good relationship with God and ones neighbor (Matthew 5:9) SHALOM

Family Day North Luzon, 12 to 13th September 2015

On Tuesday, 15th of September 2015

Youth Day, Ministers Convention, Children Day, Retreat, there are always some special programs on the church calendar when the District Apostle visits. This year’s visit in Luzon North was again in Pangasinan. A Brother meeting on Saturday based on John 14:12. The church needs succession planning, every congregation, every district. What does the Lord Jesus say about His succession? “…the…  Read More.

Boxes of clothing for the Philippines

On Friday, 11th of September 2015

It is well known that the Uster congregation in Switzerland has a regular clothing collection on the go. These shipments are always most welcome in areas where most needed. Just 2 weeks ago we could help the people affected by the flood in Abra with these donations in kind. Something however was different with the recent shipment of 3 Boxes….  Read More.