Great joy at Makati Church
The Clauss family from Lausanne Switzerland brought their Baby girl, Alexis Victoria for Holy Baptism and Holy Sealing to the Makati Congregation. Also 4 confirmands made their resolution and received the blessing on their confirmation vow. 257 witnessed this blessed event. The sermon was based on the Apostle Paul’s testimony: “When I was a child, I spoke…, understood… and thought… Read More.
Our Youth In Action – Visit www.youth.ph
As in many countries around the world the Youth of the Manila congregation MAKATI has a busy program of activities, get togethers, seminars and fellowships. They report at youth.ph but publish also a newsletter called “youth link” The subject they focus on are very diversified. Get togethers for bonding, discussion groups on nutrition and fitness, workshops making spiritual comic strips… Read More.
Holy week in the Philippines
Our country belongs to those Christian cultures where Holy Week is still in most people’s awareness. Thus also in the New Apostolic Church many programs are on the calendar of the congregations. The District Apostle visited the Brothers and Sisters in Jimalalud, Dumaguete, Bayawan, Hinobaan, Calat-an and Tilling Church. (see https://www.facebook.com/urshebeisen). See below for a selection of pictures in the… Read More.
Happy Easter To All Christians
The resurrection of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed in the teaching of the Apostles right from the start as the core element of the gospel. It is the foundation of hope for life eternal. Jesus Christ made it possible to undo both death and mankind’s separation from God. Belief in the resurrection of ‘Christ, the firstfruits’ from the dead is… Read More.
Apostolic Understanding Of Passion Of Christ
Every year comes Christmas and then Holy Week, the celebrations of the most significant historical events ever. “Risen Christ, Our Hope” shall be so prominent and aware in our mind and heart every day, yet Easter is the day when we shall take time to reflect on the history and the meaning for the future. “Risen Christ, Faith’s reality” Throughout… Read More.
50 years of Mission Work
Our “mother church”, NAC-Canada commemorates 50 years of foreign extension. (Canada District News April 2015) Until end of 2008 the Philippines and many other Asian countries what makes today NACSEAsia were part of this Canadian mission program. Thankful we look back to the untiring efforts of our forefathers who started the church in Asia, at times under very difficult circumstances…. Read More.