Chief Apostle is On His Way Home.
After a very joyful encounter with the multicultural congregation in Hong Kong he visited the Philippines where he conducted 3 divine services and reached out to over 5000 new apostolic Christians. In the Makati Church he served with a Christmas message. “Our joy is that God kept His promise and sent His son”. Sunday 14th December he served a congregation of… Read More.
Typhoon Hagupit is presently tormenting the Philippines.
We are thankful that all churches who were rebuild after the devastating effects of last year’s Typhoon Yolanda have now passed the stress test in this present situation. 4 school buildings which NACSEARelief has rebuild with the help of NAK-humanitas (Switzerland) and nak-karitativ (Germany) also have resisted the onslaught of the present storm and serve now as evacuation center. Evacuation… Read More.
Chief Apostle Is Coming To Town – Updated
Hand in hand, heart in hand. This is what the official logo of this year’s Chief Apostle visit to NACSEAsia suggests. It was designed based on the yearly moto and the Pentecost message 2014. All preparations for this special event of blessing and fiesta of faith come slowly to a close, even though last minute arrangements still will be necessary…. Read More.
Announcement of Change of Guard in South Cotabato and Davao Region
At the occasion of the Chief Apostle Divine Service in General Santos on 14th December 2014 the Apostle Mercurio Nuyad will enter into his well deserved retirement. As successor is foreseen Bishop Alfredo Pascual. This was announced over the weekend in the Tupi Church where all Apostes and Bishops from the Philippines have gathered. In a “despedida” celebration many emotional renditions… Read More.
Department of Education Acknowledges NACSEARelief Partnership
On 14th October 2014, a ceremony was hosted by the DepEd to thank its partners among private companies and non-government organizations who helped and supported the “Adopt a School” program.. NACSEA Relief was honored as a partner agency in advocating education. Rebuilding schools is part of the NACSEA Relief action plan in disaster stricken areas. To have a concrete and long-term… Read More.
New team, new media, new content: Church to bundle journalistic forces
Zurich. The New Apostolic Church international (NACI) is reorganising its communications structure. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider has not only given the green light to the new communications concept but also to the establishment of a new department. In terms of both content and staff, his intent is to explore new ways to provide more international information to the Church’s members,… Read More.