New Apostolic Church celebrates pentecost 2012 in Cologne, Germany
New Apostolic Church celebrates pentecost 2012 in Cologne, Germany; 1600 Congregations worldwide are connected via Satelite. This is the headline of a press release published in Europe. In South East Asia an inter-network was established and at 7 locations the Divine Service from Cologne will be experienced live. Thereby an estimated congregation of 1,5 Million faithful in more than 100… Read More.
District Apostle invited to Strasbourg/France
The Chief Apostle visited Strasbourg to serve the souls in the District Apostle area of DA Jean Luc Schneider, his designated helper. Present was also the retired Chief Apostle Richard Fehr. In a special Youth gathering the Chief Apostle gave a message about HOPE is POWER and in the Sunday Morning service, he elaborated on Psalm 34:6 Turn to the… Read More.
Ilo Ilo congregations re-opened and visit Tabu Church/Negros Occidental
After many years of stagnation our congregations in Ilo Ilo are blooming again. The District Apostle visited Panay Island for a sub district service on Saturday, May 5 and 98 souls came together. The untiring efforts of the past 2 years by Pr. Ariola who regularly comes from Bacolod the scattered members were gathered again and today divine services are… Read More.
PHILIPPINES at “Campeonato de futbol 7 “Confraternidad Nueava Apostolica”
At the occasion of the Chief Apostle’s visit to Colonia (24-25 April) in Uruguay, also the Youth had its programs. In a football tournament teams named after the countries of the Apostles who were present competed with each other. Unfortunately the Philippines lost already in the first round against Germany. However the cup for best tactical play was won by… Read More.
Apostles, Bishops and Board of Education Meeting in Butuan/Agusan
“FAITH and PRAYER” was the theme of the first Apostles meeting in 2012. Gathered were also the members of the Board of Education who reported on the accomplishments in 2011. Some 50 Sunday School Teachers gathered for a seminar at our Butuan Church. On Sunday the District Apostle conducted a District Service in Bayugan attended by some 2100 souls. “let… Read More.
Apostle Mercurio Nuyad in Celebes/Indonesia
20 years ago souls from the southern part of Mindanao, the Sarangani Islands migrated to the Region of Sulawesi Utara, the north of Celebes. They came into contact with Apostle Yusak Saptohadipraytno (today retired) and soon congregations could be established. To celebrate this historical event the President of GKBI (The New Apostolic Church in Indonesia), Apostle Edy Isnugroho, invited the… Read More.