
NACSEA Relief and Binan GoForWARD Foundation

On Thursday, 26th of January 2012

NACSEARelief signs memorandum of agreement with Go ForWARD Foundation in Binan. The Central Church of Binan, built in 1988 is due to the demographic development of the congregation not fully used anymore. The various rooms and spaces available besides the Church Auditorium have now been made available for a Montessori school for the poor but deserving children in the City…  Read More.

Ap Domingo Diagbel celebrates 60th birthday

On Friday, 20th of January 2012

Our Apostle Domingo Diagbel, celebrated his 60th birthday. According to Philippine standards he is now a senior citizen. He invited all District Rectors and wives to a one day seminar meeting with festivities in the evening. On Sunday, 22nd January the District Apostle served in our Tilling Church and 2000 voices sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY

NACSEA Relief Newsletter 1 – Mindanao Relief Operation.

On Thursday, 19th of January 2012

NACSEARelief, our charity organization is active and growing. An yearly report is soon available. Meanwhile we invite you to read our first newsletter with impressive reports about the recent relief operation in Mindanao. Have a quick look at the pages below or download the PDF (Recommended).

Obituary. Evangelist Bill Scott, passed away

On Wednesday, 18th of January 2012

Evangelist Bill Scott, passed away in Arizona, on 19. December 2011. Born on 28th September 1918, he was 93 years old. In 1985 I met him for the first time in Pasadena/California when he was a retired Deacon. He told me about his testimony of the new apostolic faith he brought during the war to people in the area of…  Read More.

Welcoming the New Year

On Saturday, 14th of January 2012

. The Year 2012; Our Chinese Brethren are still in celebration. Their New Years Day is on 23rd January and called the year of the water dragon Let us keep in mind the word of our first Service in 2012, from Mica 7:7. Look out for the Lord in everything. In our decisions, in temptations, trials, cares and sorrows but…  Read More.

Year End convention 2011, Makati,

On Wednesday, 21st of December 2011

46 Delegates from all over NACSEAsia’s territory came together in Makati, for their yearly convention. Friday night the Chief Apostle addressed them from his Hamburg Office by means of video with a New Years message. Our resolution for 2012 shall be “SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS” Serving the Lord means also serving ourselves, he said. Noah followed the Lord’s instructions…  Read More.