
Thanksgiving Day 2011

On Sunday, 2nd of October 2011

At Makati Church even the Sunday School children had their own Thanksgiving decorations. The Divine Service was based on the word from Psalm 107:8-9. The picture of the psalmist that a group of travelers got lost in the wilderness was compared to our own life’s journey through the wilderness of life going through many unfortunate situations suffering spiritual hunger and…  Read More.

Ozamis hosted East Mindanao Youth Day

On Sunday, 31st of July 2011

The youth from the eastern part of Ap. Desoloc’s area were invited to a 2 days Youth Camp in Ozamis on 30-31 July 2011. 255 enjoyed singing, playing, dancing and music filled until late Saturday night The District Apostle with the Apostles joined the youth for fellowship and an open forum. Sunday morning the divine service was under the theme…  Read More.

Pentecost 2011

On Sunday, 12th of June 2011

Makati Congregation was one of the many locations were by means of transmission via the internet the Chief Apostle Pentecost Divine Service was experienced life. 223 gathered for this blessed encounter. Despite various technical problems the message and word of the Chief Apostle could be built into ones heart. …come and let us walk In the light of the Lord…  Read More.

First Ruby Wedding in NAC Philippines celebrated

On Wednesday, 25th of May 2011

The District Elder Mongado and his wife celebrated their 40th Wedding anniversary in our Tag-ayan Chapel in Surigao. Their family has gathered from all over the Philippines and the District Apostle was accompanied by the Apostles Catan, Bual and Nuyad and Bishop Deniega. All joined the Surigao/Agusan Youth Day on Sunday 22nd May where 369 Youth gathered in the Ma-init…  Read More.

Bishop Narciso Algoy retired

On Sunday, 15th of May 2011

25 years Narciso Algoy served in various ministries. 19 years as a Bishop. He worked in the mountains, often under very strenuous circumstances, gathered souls and cared for them. On Sunday 15th May the DA Urs Hebeisen granted him a honourable retirement on behalf of Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber. 3123 gathered in our Tiling Central Church in Negros Occidental. All…  Read More.

Board of Education founded

On Tuesday, 3rd of May 2011

To provide professional management of the various and challenging teaching programs a team of specialists have been appointed by the District Apostle. District Elder Depaz is the chairman of a board of teachers and educators who serve as volunteers to promote, organize and monitor the curriculum and faculty of NAC Philippines. In his opening address the District Apostle stressed the…  Read More.