
50 years of Mission Work

On Thursday, 26th of March 2015

Our “mother church”, NAC-Canada commemorates 50 years of foreign extension. (Canada District News April 2015) Until end of 2008 the Philippines and many other Asian countries what makes today NACSEAsia were part of this Canadian mission program. Thankful we look back to the untiring efforts of our forefathers who started the church in Asia, at times under very difficult circumstances….  Read More.

Philippine Apostles join meeting in Indonesia

On Wednesday, 4th of March 2015

The Apostles of NACSEAsia met  in Jogiakarta, February 27+28. Also the Bishops from Indonesia and Bishop Yang from Korea were joining the 2 days conference. Various subjects of importance concerning soul-care were discussed but also an  in depth study and discussion on the church doctrine of ‘Afterlife”. A Divine Service for Ministers and their wives at our Gendeng Church followed…  Read More.

“JOY in CHRIST” in the field

On Tuesday, 24th of February 2015

Visiting our members in the rural areas is always a special experience of joy. The District Apostle travelled already in many different ways however on the island of  Panay, the path to Brgy San Vicente in Jamindan, Capiz was very unique. The last 2 km were muddy and he managed it with a Carabao drawn sled. The pictures show, it…  Read More.

“NAK-humanitas of Switzerland” project inaugurated with member of Congress

On Wednesday, 18th of February 2015

Congresswomen Mercedes Alvarez graces inauguration of an “NAK-humanitas of Switzerland” project. The full completion of classrooms for the  Carol-an Elementary School Extension in Hulugon Negros Occidental  was celebrated with a prayer of  blessing by Ap. S. Catan from Dumaguete, on 23rd January 2015. Congreswomen Mercedes Alvarez, parents and teachers witnessed the formal turning over of the 3 concrete classrooms for…  Read More.

Yolanda Mission (Soon) Accomplished

On Thursday, 12th of February 2015

”NAC-humanitas” the humanitarian organization initiated by the New Apostolic Church in Switzerland was very much engaged in the YOLANDA-Relief-Rehab-Reconstruction efforts in Leyte/Philippines. DA Markus Fehlbaum planned a visit in December to all the project sites. Unfortunately it was not meant to be. Another strong typhoon (Ruby) shut down air traffic. DA Urs Hebeisen made now the trip instead of his…  Read More.

Retirement in Biliran

On Tuesday, 10th of February 2015

In a divine service on Sunday 9th February 2015 District Evangelist Rogelio Acilo went into retirement. Born on 17th August 1948 he joined the New Apostolic Church in 1985. Ever since 1990 he serves in the ministry. First as Priest and then 1993 as Evangelist. In 1994 he was ordained as Shepherd and finally called into the District Evangelist ministry…  Read More.