New Jersey Brethren Join Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Project For The Philippines
The American Christian organization Samaritan’s Purse launched the action “Operation Christmas Child”. Shoeboxes filled with goodies, mostly gifts for children, were flown to the Philippines for distribution in the typhoon affected areas in Leyte. New Apostolic members joined the drive and contributed to the project 668 shoeboxes. four congregations (East Brunswick, Paramus, Wayne & Spring Valley) hosted ‘packing parties’ to prepare… Read More.
Christmas Celebration in Makati
as every year the Makati Choir, Orchestra, Youth and Children offered a Concert, Saturday 14th December. The music directors Pr. Samuel Silvano and Sr. Clarice Tuazon prepared a program under the title “Joy in the Lord – God’s joy in His people” (Isaiah 65:18-19) Traditional and culturally diverse pieces were offered. Renditions in Tagalog, English, an Anklung Number and “African Noel” made… Read More.
Philippine Apostles and Bishops in Jakarta/Indonesia
Grandios concert to mark the end of the Jubilee Year. Apostles, Bishops and country Rectors NACSEAsia gathered for their yearly meeting. This time Jakarta was hosting, the Asian capital with the biggest number of congregations and members. A wonderful concert on Saturday 30th December evening marked the conclusion of the 150years Anniversary festivities. 150 children started with 3 renditions in… Read More.
NAK-karitative in major food drive in the Philippines
While international media has no more in its headline, the tragedy typhoon “Haiyan” left behind, the misery is far from over. NACSEARelief and HOPEworldwide, in perfect teamwork, organised the distribution of packages containing bare necessities such as rice, other food stuff and products for hygiene in the northern area of Cebu Island. The Youth of NAC Cebu joined in the… Read More.
Makati Congregation and Stamm join forces in relief goods packing
Makati Congregation joins the nationwide effort to help in the typhoon calamity. Just as many churches and companies, institutions and communities all over the Country, also our Makati congregation started working to help to relief hunger and pain in the devastated area of Leyte. After service today all helped along to prepare 600 food packages. “.surely your salvation is coming”… Read More.
News from the calamity area Leyte
Apostle Bual and Pr. Chris from the NACSEARelief office have reached Bato/Leyte and have distributed food to 34 families. That is only a “drop on a hot stone” but a good beginning. At least our Brethren have a little comfort. We know that Bishop Puso is alive, but otherwise no communication yet. Our Brothers are now on the way to… Read More.